35 Keys to Financial Independence

35 Keys to Financial Independence PDF

Author: Rich Brott

Publisher: Rich Brott

Published: 2007-06

Total Pages: 164

ISBN-13: 9781601850201


In simple and easy-to-understand language, author Rich Brott explains that financially, you must "live below your means". If you have been living above your means, you are already in serious debt with no hope of becoming debt free unless you quickly change your financial habits. If you have been living within your means, you may be debt free, but you have little or no savings or investments to carry you through your retirement. What you must begin to do is live below your means. The book will show you how to do just that. Once you've accomplished the basics of getting out of debt, staying out of debt and continuing to live below your means, then the next big hurtle is to set financial goals that will keep you invested in simple, well-diversified, conservative investment vehicles. The only way to reach a financial goal is to work at it. The most important step in reaching that goal is to develop a plan to achieve it. That's why it is so important to plan ahead for your retirement and your financial future. While the idea of planning ahead and building a solid financial strategy for success can sometimes be intimidating and overwhelming, once you get started, it will become easier. With a little planning and a better understanding of what your investment options are, you too can successfully manage your money and pursue your financial goals.

5 Simple Keys to Financial Freedom

5 Simple Keys to Financial Freedom PDF

Author: Rich Brott

Publisher: Rich Brott

Published: 2008

Total Pages: 112

ISBN-13: 9781601850225


Enjoying financial security in today's world takes more than simply earning a good living. Some people who have made extraordinary incomes for many years are in terrible financial shape and are not prepared for today, let alone their future. Author Rich Brott explains that it is essential to make decisions that will help you manage your resources if you are ever going to be financially secure. The problem is not our income, but our spending. Many waste much of their hard-earned money on the small and unimportant things. Don't fall into wasteful patterns of living. Make a decision now to be different, to live differently. You can get started on the road to financial freedom by putting the following 5 simple keys into practice immediately. Key 1 Stop Spending on Yourself Key 2 Control Your Cash Key 3 Live Below Your Means Key 4 Save for Your Future Key 5 Give to Others

Biblical Principles for Financial Success: Teacher Workbook

Biblical Principles for Financial Success: Teacher Workbook PDF

Author: Rich Brott

Publisher: Rich Brott

Published: 2008

Total Pages: 232

ISBN-13: 9781601850157


This book is an ideal text for use in the classroom, small groups, church events and in junior high, high school and college settings. Author Rich Brott had designed the syllabus in a way that is user friendly, easy to teach, easy to learn. No prior knowledge is required from student or teacher. A summary of the content follows: Module 1 - God's Economy Lesson One: Money in God's Economy Lesson Two: The Cycle of Money Lesson Three: The Blessing of Giving Module 2 - Man's Stewardship Lesson Four: Principles of a Blessed Person Lesson Five: Persona of a Steward Lesson Six: Disciplines of a Steward Module 3 - Family Decisions Lesson Seven: How to Make Wise Family Decisions Lesson Eight: Facing Financial Challenges Lesson Nine: Defining Your Financial Future Module 4 - Spending Management Lesson Ten: Managing Your Cash Flow Lesson Eleven: Financial Benefits of Budgeting Lesson Twelve: Designing the Perfect Budget Lesson Thirteen: Developing the Savings Habit Lesson Fourteen: Borrowing and Credit Issues Module 5 - Making Lifestyle Changes Lesson Fifteen: Getting out of Debt Lesson Sixteen: Making Lifestyle Changes Lesson Seventeen: Areas of Financial Vulnerability Module 6 - Investing with a Vision Lesson Eighteen: Investing for your Future Lesson Nineteen: Planning for Retirement Lesson Twenty: Preparing for the Unexpected

Basic Principles for Maximizing Your Cash Flow - 7 Steps to Financial Freedom!

Basic Principles for Maximizing Your Cash Flow - 7 Steps to Financial Freedom! PDF

Author: Rich Brott

Publisher: Rich Brott

Published: 2007-07

Total Pages: 126

ISBN-13: 9781601850195


Everyone wants to maximize their personal cash flow. Everyone wishes to become financially independent. Everyone desires the ultimate financial freedom. So what's the secret to living a better, fuller, freeing life? In this book, Rich Brott shows you just how to do so. If you are going to maximize your personal cash flow, you must know that it cannot be done without financial accountability. But it is possible that you can be a responsible person and you can become financially accountable for every decision you make. You can develop habits that will insure financial success, regardless of how much or how little your income is. Many people earn very little over a lifetime, yet manage to save enough for a debt free and secure retirement. The book outlines 7 major principles that must find a place in your life. Read the book, and find your way to financial freedom.

Biblical Principles for Financial Success: Student Workbook

Biblical Principles for Financial Success: Student Workbook PDF

Author: Rich Brott

Publisher: Rich Brott

Published: 2008

Total Pages: 232

ISBN-13: 9781601850164


This book is an ideal text for use in the classroom, small groups, church events and in junior high, high school and college settings. Author Rich Brott had designed the syllabus in a way that is user friendly, easy to teach, easy to learn. No prior knowledge is required from student or teacher. A summary of the content follows: Module 1 - God's Economy Lesson One: Money in God's Economy Lesson Two: The Cycle of Money Lesson Three: The Blessing of Giving Module 2 - Man's Stewardship Lesson Four: Principles of a Blessed Person Lesson Five: Persona of a Steward Lesson Six: Disciplines of a Steward Module 3 - Family Decisions Lesson Seven: How to Make Wise Family Decisions Lesson Eight: Facing Financial Challenges Lesson Nine: Defining Your Financial Future Module 4 - Spending Management Lesson Ten: Managing Your Cash Flow Lesson Eleven: Financial Benefits of Budgeting Lesson Twelve: Designing the Perfect Budget Lesson Thirteen: Developing the Savings Habit Lesson Fourteen: Borrowing and Credit Issues Module 5 - Making Lifestyle Changes Lesson Fifteen: Getting out of Debt Lesson Sixteen: Making Lifestyle Changes Lesson Seventeen: Areas of Financial Vulnerability Module 6 - Investing with a Vision Lesson Eighteen: Investing for your Future Lesson Nineteen: Planning for Retirement

30 Biblical Principles For Managing Your Money

30 Biblical Principles For Managing Your Money PDF

Author: Rich Brott

Publisher: Rich Brott

Published: 2008

Total Pages: 164

ISBN-13: 9781601850126


Becoming successful at managing your money begins with a commitment to follow biblical principles. In doing so, certain areas of your life must be confronted in an honest, open and accurate manner. You must confront the following areas: A. spiritual B. attitudinal C. habitual D. practical E. personal Addressing only selective areas of your financial life will not bring you to a place of success. You must be willing to tackle each area and come face to face with the clear reality of your past decisions. This means developing a new determination to change past spiritual decisions and the adopting of new biblical attitudes toward the management of your money. Only you can make a difference in your financial life. You can be successful at managing your money if you will begin to follow these 30 biblical principles. Author Rich Brott shows you how.

Prosperity Has A Purpose

Prosperity Has A Purpose PDF

Author: Rich Brott

Publisher: Rich Brott

Published: 2008

Total Pages: 292

ISBN-13: 9781601850065


Some people teach that we should give to get. Others teach that we should sacrifice and withhold from our family in order to give more. Neither extreme point of view is correct. We must provide for our family. We should not give to get. Our attitude should be one of obedience and liberality. The best way to give to the Lord is to understand all that He has given to us, and then freely give back to Him. Author Rich Brott provides a very balanced perspective in his latest book, Prosperity Has a Purpose. He notes that we gain by giving and we lose by withholding. When we freely give to God, regardless of our own personal need, we allow God to be big in our lives. We allow Him to provide for us. This can only happen as we buy into the principle of freely giving. If we are stingy in our giving and withhold from the Lord, we miss the many blessings and provisions He wants to shower upon us.

15 Biblical Responsibilities Leading to Financial Wisdom

15 Biblical Responsibilities Leading to Financial Wisdom PDF

Author: Rich Brott

Publisher: Rich Brott

Published: 2008

Total Pages: 124

ISBN-13: 9781601850102


Attaining financial wisdom comes after learning some personal responsibilities. We have to fulfill those responsibilities as well. Some are very basic, such as simply acknowledging that God owns it all. Others have to do with productivity, time management and learning how to plan ahead. If you are to lead a prosperous and successful life, you must apply biblical instruction to work hard and lead a disciplined live. Then there is the responsibility of diligence, not being wasteful and knowing how to be good stewards in the handling of our possessions. We are to be accountable in caring for our resources, give generously to God and seek wisdom in matters of finances. Author Rich Brott explains these principles in simple, easy-to-understand narrative.

Biblical Principles for Staying Out of Debt

Biblical Principles for Staying Out of Debt PDF

Author: Rich Brott

Publisher: Rich Brott

Published: 2008

Total Pages: 124

ISBN-13: 9781601850096


In easy-to-understand narrative, author Rich Brott explains the great danger that all of us will make bad financial decisions. It's not that we deliberately set out to do so, we just follow cultural norms and wind up deep in debt. While many are able to recognize bad spending habits and somber patterns and actively take corrective measures, getting out of debt just brings you to the starting line. Next comes a tenacious determination to stay out of debt. After that follows a commitment to building long-term financial security and independence. The content of this book will help you to understand seven biblical principles for staying out of debt. It starts out with how to have right thinking and knowing exactly where your money is going. The book ends with teaching you how to set financial goals and how to invest for your future.

A Biblical Perspective On Tithing & Giving: A Believer's Stewardship Guide

A Biblical Perspective On Tithing & Giving: A Believer's Stewardship Guide PDF

Author: Rich Brott

Publisher: Rich Brott

Published: 2008

Total Pages: 176

ISBN-13: 9781601850003


According to author Rich Brott, nothing happens in the economy of God until you give something away. It is a universal law of God. Giving is the trigger for God's financial miracles. When you give to the Kingdom of God, it will be given back to you. We must do so in complete confidence that our God will not only meet our needs, but allow us to have plenty left over so that we can joyfully share it with others. When it comes to personal possessions, money and wealth, you cannot take it with you but you CAN send it on ahead. Bottom line is this: what you keep, you will lose, but what you give away, you will gain. When you become a faithful tither and a generous giver you become an individual whom God can bless.