2024 Planets Transit Results for all Zodiac Signs

2024 Planets Transit Results for all Zodiac Signs PDF



Published: 2024-04-24

Total Pages: 161




Aries Horoscope 2024

Aries Horoscope 2024 PDF

Author: Dr Gautam Dk

Publisher: Independently Published

Published: 2023-08-05

Total Pages: 0



As we say goodbye to 2023 and welcome the New Year, we embrace the hope that comes with new beginnings. Time is ever-changing, and the future remains a mystery, filled with both challenges and opportunities. The wheel of time keeps turning, bringing new experiences and changes to our lives. As we eagerly await the arrival of 2024, we wonder what it holds for us. What changes will it bring into our lives? What should we expect overall in social political or other areas. What is stored for me in the field of Education, Love, Marriage, Career, change in career, promotion in Job, expansion in business, Finance, Health, Property and visit to foreign, new ventures? I would like to cover the topic in two parts. Part 1 is common for all signs where we will discuss about the transit details of planets and overall effect on world and nation. In second part, it will be based on particular sign. So let us try to decipher the meaning of change of year for me based on my zodiac Sign based on Vedic Astrology. This forthcoming year will bring different results for different signs. What does your Zodiac Sign hold for you in 2024. How will the various life aspect horoscopes help you? You should consider this as general guide to make some preparation and before taking major decisions. Rest destinies find its way. This is based on general transit of planets in the various houses for all zodiac signs. These are general predictions based on transit of major planets. For your personal or family members Personal Annual Horoscope based on birth details and giving more accurate predictions may contact us. Year 2024 will give much relief to everyone. Markets will provide the opportunity for job, expansion of business, opening of world activities and travels and tourism will grow. Virgo is sign of commerce and so commercial activities will increase. Saturn's position in the Multrikona sign holds great significance, particularly in areas related to career, government politics, and foreign affairs. However, there may be ups and downs in career and political matters from July to November due to Saturn's retrograde motion. During this period, political powers may increase, leading to significant decisions and changes. Political parties will develop new strategies, form unconventional alliances, and we will witness the emergence of new professional opportunities. With Jupiter's transit in Taurus starting from May, there will be an increase in religious travels and a stronger focus on hard work in education. Motivations and new academic rules will be implemented, encouraging academic growth and progress. Those willing to take risks in investments can expect good profits. Overall economic conditions are likely to improve for everyone after May 2024.



Author: Artemisia, Mirzia

Publisher: Artemisia, Mirzia

Published: 2023-08-12

Total Pages: 311



2024 Horoscope - Magical Days Astrology and Predictions Your astrological forecast and all the secret about you …. Dear Readers, first of all I thank you for choosing to read my astrological predictions and I hope to bring you good luck! The Stars, as very good friends, will take turns to make your life luckier, so you, following the advice of the Planets, will be able to get what you want more easily! I have been publishing "Horoscope - Magic Days" in the last 11 years. 11 is a magical number, so I wish you a year full of magical luck! The number 11 also signifies wisdom, intuition, fulfillment and creativity; the Stars suggest that you let yourself be guided by all these qualities to make your dreams come true. I have chosen the e-book format, so as not to be forgotten at the bottom of a drawer, because I would like you to consult me often, both to know the best time to act and to discover all the characteristics and how you can seduce the person you have just met. In short, I really want to be of help to you! 2024 Horoscope – Magical Days is divided into two parts: 1)In the first you will find what the Stars have decided to give you this year, with all the detailed forecasts, including the best days to act to get what you want. Already by looking at the "Table of Fortune" you will be able to realize in which months Lady Luck will love you the most and what she will give you every month. 2) While in the second part I describe in detail and in an ironic way the characteristics of each zodiac Sign, so you can get to know yourself and the people who interest you better without getting bored, indeed I hope having fun! And finally I personally believe that luck is being in the right place at the right time, knowing how to seize opportunities and believing in them..... so that "Luck" magically comes to visit us! And now I just have to thank you, wishing you all the best! Happy New Year! For those who want to know all the topics covered: Topics index  Introduction  Each zodiac Sign has its own luck  Brief mention of the planetary transits of 2024 which will be detailed in the forecasts of each Zodiac Sign.  Thanks  Biography  E-books and printed books published The FIRST PART Zodiac forecasts for each Sign  2024– Your Magical Luck around the corner  Lady Luck suggests you:  Feng Shui lucky charm for Your 2024  2024 Your Luckiest Month for Love, Job, Money and Investments  2024 – Your Fortune Chart  Your magical 12 months  The luckiest days of every month for Jobs, Money, Contacts, Travel and Love.  And ….to cap it all …. “2024 YOUR MAGICAL LUCKIEST DAYS !!” The SECOND PART - Astrology Topics covered for each zodiac Sign  Your astrological profile  Main characteristics of the Zodiac Sign  Your “motto”  The 3 decades with their characteristics  Your symbol  Your Planet  Your great ambition  Your most desired result  The luck to being of the Sign of…..  But what is your Luck?  A recipe for you  Your cellular salt - according to the German chemist Schuessler.  Love affinities- Sign by Sign –  You and the other Signs of the Zodiac  Recipe to awaken the passion ... not just food!  For a dinner invitation  How you love-  She and He  Your most sensitive part  How to seduce a woman of every Zodiac Sign  How to seduce a man of every Zodiac Sign  Vices and Virtues of every Zodiac Sign  Talismans of the Sign: lucky flowers, lucky colors, lucky birthstones, lucky metal, lucky day, lucky numbers Zodiac Signs Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces P.S. I suggest you to read your Zodiac Sign and also the one of your Ascendant.

Cancer 2024

Cancer 2024 PDF

Author: GautamDk

Publisher: Annual Horoscope 2024

Published: 2023-11-21

Total Pages: 0



As we bid farewell to 2023 and greet the New Year 2024, we embrace the hope that comes with new beginnings. Time is in constant flux, and the future remains a mystery, offering both trials and opportunities. The cycle of time keeps moving, ushering in fresh experiences and transformations in our lives. Let's explore the significance of the coming year, 2024, based on your Zodiac Sign. Each sign experiences unique outcomes in the upcoming year. What does your Zodiac Sign have in store for you in 2024? What changes will it bring into our lives and what can we expect in areas such as social, political, and others? What lies ahead for you in terms of Education, Love, Marriage, Career, potential career changes, job promotions, business expansion, financial prospects, Health, Property matters, travel to foreign lands, and new ventures? I would like to cover this annual horoscope in two parts. The first part is Common for All Signs where we will discuss the transit details of planets and their overall effect on world economy, politics, health and relations. In the second part, we go through a particular zodiac sign and see how the unique planetary influences will impact each month of 2024. From Aries to Pisces, every sign will experience different opportunities and challenges, tailored to their personality traits. Get ready for the ups and downs of life as we reveal what the stars have in store for you. Astrology is an ancient art and science that has guided humanity for centuries. It provides a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world. Our goal is to empower you with knowledge, helping you make informed decisions and embrace opportunities in 2024. Events in a person's life are indeed influenced by the positions of planets in their birth chart. The timing of these events is determined by the planetary periods (Dasha and Antar Dasha), and the planetary transits indicate when the results of those events will manifest. If an event is not promised in the birth chart and is not aligned with the current planetary periods, the transits might not have a significant impact. Additionally, the concept of Desh (place), Kaal (time), and Patar (individual) plays a crucial role in shaping the outcomes of astrological influences. Results can vary based on geographical location, time, and the individual's unique circumstances. What might be a fortunate time for a wealthy person could translate differently for someone with fewer resources. Even individuals born at the same time (like twins) can experience different life paths due to the interplay of their choices and actions (karma) alongside astrological influences. Please understand that destiny is a complex interplay of cosmic influences, personal choices, and life circumstances. It's a dynamic interaction that can guide, but not completely dictate, the course of one's life. While the stars influence us, remember, it's our own choices that shape our destiny. Keep in mind that the future isn't fixed, and our decisions create our reality.



Author: HOROSCOPE 2024

Publisher: Alina A Rubi

Published: 2023-11-01

Total Pages: 354



The year 2024 will be a leap year and will bring great changes to each zodiac sign. Astrological transits will impact your energies, emotions, prosperity, health, and motivation at work. The year will be fraught with predestined events, it will feel like an obstacle course in which the planets will continue to influence our lives. Pluto is still the ruling planet of the year and will bring many changes. There can be major transformations in all countries, corporations, and institutions because the time has come to get rid of obsolete paradigms in all spheres: political, spiritual, intellectual, and financial. All predictions will point you in the right direction in your relationships, business, health, and career. Knowing your horoscope will help you make important decisions, enjoy opportunities, and take advantage of the positive side of this year. In this book you will also find your tarot card, your rune, your amulet, rituals, and lucky colors for this year. You can also enjoy various esoteric articles.

Leo 2024

Leo 2024 PDF

Author: Naresh Gautam

Publisher: Independently Published

Published: 2023-09-03

Total Pages: 0



Leo is the fifth zodiac sign, associated with the fire element. People born in Leo Sign are strong, confident and have a charismatic aura that draws people toward them. They are creative, artistic, innovative and generous. Loyalty is a cornerstone of their relationships, as they value their connections deeply. Their generous spirit is evident in their willingness to give and support others, often taking the lead in organizing events and gatherings. Leo approaches life with an optimistic outlook, embracing challenges with enthusiasm. His determination and natural leadership qualities empower him to pursue his goals relentlessly. Sun being the ruling planet he always looks for the spotlight in his life. At the beginning of the year 2024, you will experience a boost in courage and valour as the Sun, the ruling planet of your zodiac sign will be in conjunction with another fiery planet Mars, in the Sagittarius Sign. Mars is the Yoga Karak planet in the case of the Leo chart. This will motivate you to pursue various endeavors with great enthusiasm and determination. Jupiter's presence in Aries in the ninth house will bring favorable results for Leo individuals. Jupiter's aspect on Sun and Mars brings auspicious outcomes such as increased wealth, career success, and happiness in personal life. On 1 May 2024, Jupiter will transit in the tenth house of the chart, the house of profession, which will be beneficial for Leo natives for the profession. Your long-cherished wishes will be fulfilled, and you can expect to encounter new opportunities for growth and success in your career. Saturn will also be in a positive position during this time, being placed in the seventh house in Aquarius. However, from 29 June to 15 November 2024, Saturn will go into retrograde, which might reduce some of the favourable results in terms of career for Leo individuals. During 2024, the nodal planets Rahu and Ketu will be in Pisces and Virgo, respectively. Rahu in Pisces in the eighth house and Ketu in the second house. Rahu under the benefic influence will make the native economical manager. He may develop an interest in the occult sciences or research. He can gain wealth through import export business or speculations. Despite earning the financial conditions will fluctuate as he would like to spend money on his luxuries, travels, or health. This will be more prominent till 01 May 2024, when Jupiter is in the ninth house. After 01 May 2024, when Jupiter shifts to the tenth house and aspect second house, the financial position of Leo may improve. Jupiter in the ninth house and later Jupiter aspecting Ketu, a planet of spirituality may result in natives drawn towards a more spiritual path, leading to positive outcomes. The first part of the year will be conducive to spiritual activities, and you may consider planning visits to religious places. However, be mindful of increased travel expenses during this time. If you are involved in a legal case, your skills and abilities will help you navigate through it and strive for a favorable outcome. There are going to be some challenges in your relationship due to Saturn in the seventh house. If you lose control of emotions and temper will end up losing everything have been trying to build. Be patient and try to be optimistic. Saturn gives the results but with delays and patience. If you are true to your life partner then, your bond with your partner will be strong, and both of you will demonstrate loyalty and faithfulness towards each other. This year will bring you closer together, fostering a deeper connection. To know more read the book

Libra Horoscope 2024

Libra Horoscope 2024 PDF

Author: Naresh Gautam

Publisher: Independently Published

Published: 2023-08-28

Total Pages: 0



Libra is the seventh sign of the Zodiac with the main characteristics of balance and diplomacy. It falls at 180 degrees of Aries Sign. Aries represent fire and aggression whereas Libra is a sign of understanding, compromise and diplomacy. Libra is associated with the air element and is ruled by Venus. In the beginning of 2024, you'll find a boost in bravery and confidence, as Sun and Mars will be in their friendly sign, Sagittarius and in third house aspected by Jupiter. This will motivate you to pursue various endeavours with great enthusiasm and determination. Jupiter's presence in Aries will bring favourable results for Libra individuals. Jupiter aspect on Aries and sign lord Mars creates Guru-Mangala Yoga, bringing auspicious outcomes such as increased wealth, career success, and happiness in personal life. The first part of year is going to bring great, positive news when it comes to your relationship and career. You are going to be blessed with good fortune, and there is going to be a substantial improvement in your financial position. Though savings may not be there, but income and gains are expected. Your relationship with friends and associates will improve invariably. During this period, you are going to accomplish your greatest achievements. You are advised to have control over your temper, or you might end up losing some favourable connections with your friends and family. This is due to Saturn aspect on eleventh house. You are going to experience a rich period of personal growth and a flourishing career. For Libra Saturn is the Yoga Karak planet being lord of fourth and fifth house and give auspicious results. Saturn in fifth house will bring positive vibes in the matter of children, love relationship and creative pursuits. Though Saturn being in own house give positive results yet native must struggle for that. Nothing comes easy when Saturn is watching so work harder to have some positivity. During 2024, the nodal planets Rahu and Ketu will be in Pisces and Virgo, respectively. Rahu in Pisces in the sixth house and Ketu in the twelfth house provides some assistance as native will be able to conquer the enemies, will have lot of energy to handle any situation of debt, disease and enemy. In your personal life, your bond with your partner will be strong, and both of you will demonstrate loyalty and faithfulness towards each other. This part of year will bring you closer together, fostering a deeper connection. Additionally, any feelings of loneliness you may have experienced in the past will dissipate, and you might find a desirable love partner entering your life. Overall, the first part of year seems promising for personal growth, love, and the fulfilment of long-awaited desires. On 1 May 2024, Jupiter will transit from Aries to Taurus in the eighth house of chart, which will bring different set of challenges in respect of health, siblings, finances and married life. There are going to be some challenges in your relationship and career. If you lose control of emotions and temper will end up losing everything have been trying build. Be patient and try to be optimistic. For female, Jupiter is the significator of married life and life partner and its being in the eighth house, indicate some challenges for married life. There may be a loss of trust or disagreement over some trivial issues. Jupiter lord of sixth house being in eighth house forms Neech Bhanga Raj Yoga. But remember Neech Bhanga yoga becomes Raj Yoga only after a fall and lot of struggles. So, results will be positive only after a fall and lot of struggles. Do not surrender at the first failure as failure will come but Success will follow if you keep struggling.

Rahu Ketu Transit 30 Oct 2023 to 18 May 2025

Rahu Ketu Transit 30 Oct 2023 to 18 May 2025 PDF

Author: Naresh Gautam

Publisher: Independently Published

Published: 2023-10-24

Total Pages: 0



Rahu will enter Pisces Sign on 30 October 2023 at 16.37 IST and continue to transit in Pisces till 18 May 2025 at 19.35 IST. Rahu and Ketu are 180 degrees apart and hence Ketu will transit in Virgo during the same period. Rahu, Ketu, Saturn, and Jupiter are the major celestial bodies whose transits exert significant influence on the world and all the Zodiac signs. Their impact endures for extended periods in contrast to the fast-moving planets, so their transit is given more importance. Rahu and Ketu are considered shadow planets, closely linked to our karmic accounts. When Rahu and Ketu transit from one zodiac sign to another, we often wonder about the potential effects on our lives. Rahu is closely linked to spirituality, deep contemplation, intuition, and enigmatic matters. It also represents our desires. On the other hand, Pisces is a zodiac sign associated with dreams, imagination, and the realm of fantasies. When Rahu, an airy planet, transits in the water sign, Pisces, it will enhance one's spiritual and meditative tendencies, fostering profound introspection. Rahu's unconventional nature can lead to a unique approach to spirituality and divinity, possibly taking a less traditional path. The blend of Pisces' sensitivity and dreaminess with Rahu's propensity to create illusions and confusion can intensify these effects. There may be a tendency to escape from reality through addictive behaviors or unrealistic fantasies. It can also lead to the individual presenting a false image as a spiritual guide. This transit can also bring challenges in business matters and may lead to frequent, long travels, unplanned journeys often to foreign lands. Settlement abroad is even a possibility with this placement. Rahu transit in Pisces can result in challenges in business matters. Despite working diligently, individuals may not always achieve the desired outcomes. Mental problems and distress can also be a concern, with sleeplessness being a possible issue. Rahu association with Pisces can result creativity and the arts can flourish during this transit, inspiring individuals to explore new artistic endeavors and unconventional creative pursuits. This is particularly beneficial for authors and those in the media industry. Geopolitics Countries and political parties will make new alliances. You will find major shifts in existing alliances as enemies of one time may become friends. I find India's relations with Western countries further improving after June 2024. This may be due to Jupiter's transit in the ninth house (and election results after June 2024. However, after 14 May 2025, once Jupiter moves to Gemini and in the fourth house to Rahu, India may emerge as a more powerful country. Other countries may look to India for guidance and help. You may notice that during this period, the religious conversion will increase. Jupiter in Rahu indicates large-scale conversions to the religious belief system. This may be by force or luring them with money or indoctrination by their religious leaders. Though in 2025, you may see a reversal but in 2024, fundamentalists will try to hijack the agenda and dominate the government and public. Demand for a separate homeland or to implement laws based on religion will increase causing protests in several countries. Religious fundamentalism will rise further and start disturbing the law and order of many countries. After May 2024, a few countries or religious lobbies may ally to counter the religious fundamentalist forces. There may be a further rise of ISIS or any new organisation or some Christians may rise against Muslim fundamentalism. Few countries may look seriously at the refugee issue and may take some strong action by the year's end.

Jupiter Transit Effects 2024-2025 & Saturn Transit Effects 2023-2025 (English)

Jupiter Transit Effects 2024-2025 & Saturn Transit Effects 2023-2025 (English) PDF



Published: 2024-06-05

Total Pages: 77



Jupiter Transit Effects 2024-2025 & Saturn Transit Effects 2023-2025 The Indian Vedic Astrology Book By M. Meenachi Sundaram TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 1: JUPITER TRANSIT EFFECTS FOR 2024-2025 (ALL ZODIAC MOON SIGNS). 4 Aries-Jupiter Transfer benefits. 4 Taurus- Jupiter Transit Effects 2024 - 2025. 8 Gemini- Jupiter Transit Effects 2024 - 2025. 12 Cancer- Jupiter Transit Effects 2024 - 2025. 16 Leo- Jupiter Transit Effects 2024 - 2025. 20 Virgin- Jupiter Transit Effects 2024 - 2025. 24 Libra- Jupiter Transit Effects 2024 - 2025. 28 Scorpio- Jupiter Transit Effects 2024 - 2025. 32 Sagittarius- Jupiter Transit Effects 2024 - 2025. 35 Capricorn- Jupiter Transit Effects 2024 - 2025. 39 Aquarius- Jupiter Transit Effects 2024 - 2025. 43 Pisces- Jupiter Transit Effects 2024 - 2025. 47 CHAPTER 2:Transit of Saturn benefits2023 -Aries First Pisces up to.. 51 Aries (Aswini, Bharani, Kartika 1st pada): 51 Taurus (Karthikai 2, 3, 4 quarter, Rohini, Mriga Srisha 1, 2, quarter). 53 Mithunam (Beast Siresham 3, 4 Padas Tiruvadhirai, Punarbhusam 1, 2, 3 Padas). 55 Cancer (Punar Poosam 4th Padam, Poosam, Oilyam). 57 Leo (Magam, Puram, Uttaram 1st pada): 59 Virgo (Utram 2, 3, 4 Padas, Astam, Chitrai 1, 2, Padas). 61 Libra (Chitra 3rd, 4th Padas, Swathi, Visagam 1st, 2nd, 3rd Padas). 63 Scorpio (Visagam 4th pada, Anusham, Ketai). 65 Sagittarius (source, puradam, uttiradam 1st pada). 67 Makaram (Uttradam 2, 3, 4 Padas, Thiruvonam, Avitam 1, 2 Padas). 70 Kumbha (Diameter 3, 4 Padas, Satayam, Puratathi 1, 2, 3 Padas). 73 Pisces (Purattathi 4th pada, Uttarattathi, Revathi). 75